رسائل من الأمل إلى غزة

Send messages of hope for people in Gaza

שלחו מסרים של תקווה לאנשים וילדים בעזה


رسالة امل מסר של תקווה

رسالة امل – اسمي تمار انا اسرائيليه وانا اتألم كثيراً للذي يحصل هناو لقد بكيت وما زلت ابكي طالما يوجد جرحى وقتلى بالحرب. الذي فعلته دولتي في غره لا يحتمل. انا اتامل ان لا تفقدوا الامل, رغم كل المعاناه التي تمرون بها تذكروا انه يوجد اسرائيليون يريدون العيش بجانبكم وبتساوي تصالح واخوه.

מסר של תקווה - שמי תמר, אני ישראלית ואני כואבת מאוד את מה שקורה פה - בכיתי ואני בוכה עדיין על כל הפצועים וההרוגים במלחמה, מה שהמדינה שלי עשתה בעזה הוא בלתי נסבל. אני מבקשת שלא תאבדו תקווה, למרות כל הסבל שאתם עוברים זכרו שיש ישראלים שרוצים לחיות לצידכם בשיוויון, פיוס ואחווה

Video - The human voice

My name is Alice and I am 82 years old. I was born in Germany but moved to London in 1934, when the Nazis came to power and began persecuting Jews. I grew up in England and experienced the Blitz in London during World War II. In 1949 I moved to Jerusalem, where I married, had children and now have grandchildren and two great-granddaughters.I taught English Literature at the Hebrew University and was the headmistress of a high-school for religious girls.

I have been active in various social movements, including those dealing with women’s rights and human rights. In particular, I have devoted much time to education for peace in this troubled part of the world and as a result I have Palestinian women friends. We have come to realize that both sides in this conflict are suffering and that we need to have more understanding of each other’s backgrounds and problems. I hope and pray I shall live to see greater understanding between Israelis and Palestinians and that my grandchildren will live at peace with their neighbours in mutual respect. No more wars!

May God bless you and bring you comfort in your grief.

Alice Shalvi

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